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Ann Kynion

From my first acceptance in a show at age twelve, my twenty-five year career as an art teacher, and finally retirement, I like to think that I have been working at art all my life and now have the time to pursue it.

I have been fortunate to travel over the last fifteen years and visit masters in Europe and the ancient arts of Asia. Along with those experiences, fellow artists and teachers are my primary influences. In addition, teaching in the classroom with all ages has broadened my horizons and opened my own art to experimentation.  I am still working on my “style” as I study and practice with other artists and art instructors. My primary goal as an artist and a teacher is expression of my love of drawing and painting through my art.  I have always held to the idea that you need to have fun, make mistakes and make art!

Artist statement-Ann Kynion

It is obvious that I have been influenced by nature and the natural world.  I love nature and all it represents.  I find I cannot be long without being outside either in the woods, at the beach or simply in my own back yard.  Some people call it “earthing”, but this need is why I feel so compelled to draw from the natural world.  I see the world as my canvas and my art, my own creations, as vignettes of that canvas. My expectations for those that view my art are first, enjoyment and hopefully, art that speaks to them.As an art teacher and one who loves hand-rendered art, I have spent time studying the history of art as well as styles, methods, media and artists.  I am always amazed how much art has changed and evolved using the same materials that artists have used for centuries.

Visual Artist Alliance of Springfield

P.O. Box 3066
Springfield, MO 65808-3066

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